Rua das Pintassilgas 14, 2500-749 Vidais
(between Caldas da Rainha and Rio Maior)
GPS coordinates: 39°22'08.5"N 9°03'24.5"W
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TIP: Start your holiday by flying into Lisbon and rent a car at Lisbon airport. From here it is a 75-minutes drive to Casa das Pintassilgas.
By car
Vidais is easily accesible through the N114 between Rio Maior and Caldas da Rainha.
Itinerary from Lisbon Airport:
- Follow A1 Norte direction Rio Maior. Take exit 5 in Aveiras de Cima and take N366, direction Alcoentre. N366 changes into N1. Before Rio Maior take A15 (direction Caldas da Rainha). On A15 leave at first exit for the N114. Turn left, direction Caldas da Rainha.
- Coming from Rio Maior, you will see on your left side a gas station just before entering the centre of Vidais. After some turns you will reach the centre of the village. On your right you will see a cafe, on your left a pharmacy. There are traffic lights at this intersection. Mind: continue on the N114 for some two hundred meters and take the first street (Rua Ana Benécio) on your left. You will see a sign 'Cortem'. This street goes down, on your left there will be some houses. Behind these houses you will see Casa das Pintassilgas on the slopes.
- Continue on this street and take the first gravel road on your left. This road is leading to Casa das Pintassilgas.
By public transport
- Take the express bus from Lisbon to Caldas da Rainha (ca. 1 hr 15 min.)
- In the busstation of Caldas da Rainha, take a bus with direction Rio Maior and get off in the centre of Vidais (ca. 10 min.). Walk to Casa das Pintassilgas.
Vidais is part of Caldas da Rainha and counts about 1180 people. Casa das Pintassilgas is situated 500 metres from the centre of Vidais amidst a valley dotted with numerous fruit trees.
In the centre of Vidais you can find Café Doce Rainha with friendly host Susana and Restaurant Casa do Lago. About 2 kilometres away you can meet Helga and Chris in their winery Vinhos Cortém where very tasty wines are produced.
For shopping your best bet is Caldas da Rainha and its many convenience stores, a ten minutes' drive from Casa das Pintassilgas. On sunday morning you can visit the region's largest open air market (Mercado da Santana) in Benedita, a 20 minutes' drive from Casa das Pintassilgas.